- Choose a slide design; click the Design menu tab, and then choose one of the professional preset designs. This will make your life MUCH easier.
- Create your presentation. The first slide should be a title slide; the final slide should be a references slide. Make certain you do not alter any of the preset fonts (size, color, type, etc). Add content to all "click to add" boxes or delete them.
- Use the 6x6 rule; no more than 6 words per line, no more than 6 lines per text. Keep the text on the slide simple. Add most of your explanation to the notes at the bottom (where it says, "click to add notes"). Include in-text citations in the notes.
- If you choose to use graphics, use one small graphic per slide. Graphics should never overpower or replace written content.
- Spell check and proof read.
- Here are a few great resources to assist you further: